Our e-Twinning"A BRIDGE FOR PEACE"

A cross curricular collaborative project to be developed between Adel Primary School, Leeds and Los Guindos School, Malaga as part of an etwinning partnership.

The aims are to foster understanding and peaceful relationships between different nations, by means of extending children’s global and cultural
awareness, to enhance foreign language learning and to add a global dimension to other curriculum areas.

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

Día de Andalucía

El Día de Andalucía se celebra el 28 de febreo. En muchos pueblos y ciudades se decoran los balcones con la bandera de Andalucía . En los colegios, aunque la semana del 28 de febrero es festiva, se llama Semana Blanca, el viernes de la semana anterior es un día festivo en el colegio. Los alumnos toman el desayuno andaluz, que consiste en nuestro colegio de pan con aciete de olivo y cola cao or "hot chocolate." Tambien colorean dibujos referentes a los símbolos de Andalucía, su historia y sus costumbres.

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The Día de Andalucía is celebrated 28 of February. In many towns and cities they decorate their balconies with the Andalucían flag. In the schools, even though the week of the 28 of February is a Holiday called Semana Blanca, the Friday before is a day of celebration in the schools. The students get to leave class to eat a tipical breakfast served by the parents in the cafeteria. They eat bread with olive oil and hot chocolate. Students also color pictures that symbolize the history and custums of Andalucía.

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