Our e-Twinning"A BRIDGE FOR PEACE"

A cross curricular collaborative project to be developed between Adel Primary School, Leeds and Los Guindos School, Malaga as part of an etwinning partnership.

The aims are to foster understanding and peaceful relationships between different nations, by means of extending children’s global and cultural
awareness, to enhance foreign language learning and to add a global dimension to other curriculum areas.

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2007

!hola! Saludos

!hola! me llamo scott y amy ?como te llamas? ?Que tal?
scott "mi favirito es jugar al futbol" amy "me gusta bailar"
os deseo paz
adios amigos


me llamo Gabrielle, me gusta nadar e bailar, no me gusta jugar al futbol.
me llamo Douglas, me gusta jugar al futbol, no me gusta bailar.
como te llamas? que tal.? que te gusta?
os dezeo paz. OS DESEO PAZ

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2007

Adel School celebrates world peace day, 21st September

Sarah wrote :

"Some people came from Leeds university to film us singing our song and it was shown on the big screen in Leeds City Centre. They are sending us a video and I will try to put it on the blog.

We are sending you some of our birds and I have made a website for the messages from all over the world. Please have a look at the website."

http://www.students.wikia.com/ search for adel.


Me llamo Jack y Shelby. Cómo te llamas?
Que tal? Te gusta? Me gusta nadar

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

Quotes on Peace - Peace Quotations


A smile is the beginning of peace.
- Mother Teresa
Colocad en este apartado frases dichas por personas que han trabajado por la Paz o las tuyas propias, en este último caso, escribe tu nombre debajo. Busca esta etiqueta en la entradas (Peace Quotes/Citas sobre la Paz).
Please, write quotes on Peace here.

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2007

Peace day

Mr Boothroyd's tie, showing Nelson Mandela's doves of peace!

Peace day

Peace day

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007

Hello Teresa

Thank you for putting all these things on the blog. You are very clever, it is great! I have set up a website for our birds. When people receive the birds they must send their messages / images etc to: http://students.wikia.com/wiki/Adel_Primary_School,_Leeds. We will be sending out our birds on Friday.
Sarah xxx

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007

Hello Teresa - what a fantastic blog!

sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2007


Fotos de actividades realizadas en nuestro colegio en años anteriores relacionadas con la el día de la Paz. Nuestra contribución en el día 21 de septiembre, día en el que nuestro colegio hermanado cantará la canción "No wars will stop us singing"

Slide Ceip Los Guindos

Si queréis ver el Blog que está haciendo la tutoría de 4º de nuestro colegio busca "la Mochililla" en Google. Este es un slide de nuestro cole que ha colocado hace unos días el tutor. Algunos fotos son de nuestra celebración del día de la Paz (30 de enero) de cursos anteriores.

la Mochililla

Una clase de 4º de nuestro colegio tiene un blog llamado la Mochililla, sigue este enlace y verás lo que hace el alumnado de esta aula con su profesor.

Follow this link: (Blog-4th level)

"No wars will stop us singing" (letra de la canción)

Ugly sounds are overhead,
And the streets are coloured red.
Young lives lost every day,
It’s always been that way.
But we believe one day we’ll see,
A world at peace, in harmony.
And that is why we say…

No wars will stop us singing,
Our voices will stay strong.
Even through the darkest night,
We will sing our song.

No fear will stop us dreaming,
Our dreams will light the sky.
Even when all hope is gone,
Our dreams will not die!

We are the future
We are tomorrow
We are the peace that you all crave
If our lives are taken we’ll sing from
beyond the grave.

No wars will stop us singing
Our voices will stay strong.
Even through the darkest night,
We must sing our song!
We will sing, we will sing, we will sing our song!

World Peace Day September 21st in Adel

Sarah wrote about our project and the World Peace Day September 21st:

"We intend to use this as the starting point for our project. We will sing ‘No Wars Will Stop Us Singing’ at school and possibly at Leeds Met. Our partners will sing at the same time in their languages and we will video ourselves and exchange videos. If possible we will use video conferencing to perform our songs at the same time to each other.

We will read the book ‘What Is Peace?’ and write our own ideas for peace. These will be collated and a book produced in the 2 languages, illustrated by the children.

We will draw the dove symbol in different media, according to the children’s age and make paper cranes with a message of peace attached. These will be distributed around the world to as many destinations a possible. It is hoped the messages will spread and we will receive replies from many countries.

Students from Leeds Met will be invited into school to help run the workshops. Parents will also be involved in distributing the cranes and invited into school to help make them. We will publicise our work both within the community and on the internet via the etwinning space".

Verdad que sería estupendo....

Canción por la Paz. IES Torre del Prado

Video realizado por un IES de Málaga

Este es un vídeo realizado por el IES Torre del Prado de nuestra ciudad. Os va a gustar. This is a video of a secondary school in Málaga. You can read the text in English and Spanish.
Gracias a sus autores.


No Wars Will Stop Us Singing

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007

Thank you

Gracias Sarah por tu comentario, lo edito aquí para que nuestro alumnado pueda leer el mensaje cuando empiecen a participar en el Blog.

"Hello to everyone at Los Guindos and welcome back to school and our new blog! I hope we will have a good project this year and look forward to communicating with you. We hope you will be singing the song for peace on 21st September".

Sarah xxx

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

Happy new school year! Feliz nuevo curso escolar para el profesorado, alumnos y alumnas del colegio de Adel y el colegio los Guindos. Este espacio será nuetro sitio de encuentro. Esperamos especialmente la colaboración del profesorado y el alumnado de 6º de los dos colegios.