Our e-Twinning"A BRIDGE FOR PEACE"

A cross curricular collaborative project to be developed between Adel Primary School, Leeds and Los Guindos School, Malaga as part of an etwinning partnership.

The aims are to foster understanding and peaceful relationships between different nations, by means of extending children’s global and cultural
awareness, to enhance foreign language learning and to add a global dimension to other curriculum areas.

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007

The Rights of the Child and the day of the Spanish Constitution

Hoy hemos celebrado en nuestro colegio el día de los derechos de los niños y niñas, el de la discapacidad y el día de nuestra constitución española. Hemos tenido un bonito acto en el que los niños y niñas han leído una carta a los Reyes Magos expresando sus deseos de que los derechos sean respetados en todo el mundo para así lograr un mundo de paz y de amistad entre todos los pueblos.

As human beings, children are entitled to all the rights guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but children also need special protection and care.

Some of their rights:
  • Children have the right to express themselves
  • Children have the right to protection in times of war
  • Children have the right to know and live their own culture
  • Children have the right to play
  • Children have the right to a home
  • Children have the right to a loving and caring family
  • Children have the right to express their opinions
  • Children have the right to protection in times of war
  • Children have the right to a healthy environment
  • Children have the right to access special education
  • Every child has the right to a name and nationality
  • Every child has the right to food and nutrition
  • Every child has the right to healthcare and education

********See the slices about our celebration************

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